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Old 04-24-2004, 07:32 PM   #23
Jeremy Gelman
Dojo: Yoyogi Uehara (Iwama ryu style)
Location: Tokyo (Temporarily)
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 15
Re: Hard to kill vs. The Glimmer man vs. Fire down below...

Ok, I understand most of what you said, Bryan (no offense, but you come out with the same kinda stuff my parents come out with..)

However, I don't understand the part about "violence is not something good." Violence SHOULD be employed at certain places and certain times, like if ever find yourself being mugged--or, if you're a policeman like Seagal of course, lol.

The problem is what your intention is when employing violence. Are you being violent for the sake of your own safety or society's safety, or are you being purely savage. Of course, you're probably not thinking of these kind of things when you are in a life and death situation.

I just watched a war movie, "The Rough Riders", last night and in the movie, which is about the Teddy Roosevelt and the Spanish-American war, the commander of troops tells the men to "Become man-killers and murderers", to "not care about anybody's life but your own troopsmen's". Then the troops went into a violent training hype.

The point is, sometimes, violence is needed for certain purposes. However, in the whole scope of things, the violence must be for the cause of peace. We should never use violence when it hurts society.

Man has a natural violent tendency and when it is too suppressed and disallowed at all times, it is more destructive then good. The men burst.

That is why I feel that it is good to sometimes "let it all out" in a way that is not at all disturbing to society. For example, a workout on a punching bag or something of the same sort.

Anyways, sorry for spilling my whole concussed brain out here and I'm sorry for causing the board to go off-topic. And please don't take it personal, Bryan.

I just don't like it when parents look at things so subjectively instead of objectively. There DOES have to be a drawn line but parents can not get hypocritical about it!

And I know I'm just talking like a stereo-type teenager but whatever.....
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