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Old 08-01-2012, 06:06 PM   #20
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Jan Hermansson Videos

Szczepan Janczuk wrote: View Post
Yes, I was looking for the humor and found it, but it was very sad humor. ‘Bad guys' from this demo are in reality the sad clowns. I sincerely hope you will never face a real bad guy in your life.

It is very clear, that this demo was not about most efficient techniques, also, I said nothing about speed or agility…When you have excellent technique when you are young and fit, it stays forever. Look at the most of direct students of O sensei. If one practices hard and long enough, there are always physical limitations because of the injuries, but good strong technique will be clearly visible. I know quite a few shihans with severe body limitations, but when you see them practice, you can't even say they are injured -- one example was S.Sugano sensei, he had leg amputation, but after, anybody watching him couldn't see it! He was moving just like before surgery.

Now, there are always urban legends, stories, how long time ago, it was better than today. However the reality is as anybody with decent training experience can see with his eyes.

Many ppl was struggling to survive after moving to foreign country, me included. It is difficult experience but nothing exceptional. Exceptional is to survive a war. I also know many excellent aikidokas who survived war.
Of course, you can keep looking for other cheap excuses for poor technique; the reality is what it is.

I'm not blind, when I see excellent technique I say ‘excellent', if I see a misery, I say "it is a misery'.
If I was thinking the video was one showing Aikido excellence I may well say 'it's a misery' or some such. So from that view you speak, that's fine. However, after reading up on him, (not the stuff about where he went or who he trained with) finding he was actually a very competent Aikidoka and yet now physically not very 'mobile' would you have a slightly changed view? (Bearing in mind that if it was your old teacher)

Nothing wrong with saying what you saw by the way as anyone outside of Aikido or outside of knowing anything other than what the images show would no doubt say the same.

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