Thread: Starting again
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Old 01-13-2003, 12:02 PM   #4
tedehara's Avatar
Dojo: Evanston Ki-Aikido
Location: Evanston IL
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 826
If you want to know what your probable rank might have been, look at the promotion schedule for your old dojo. Since rank promotions vary greatly between dojos, you'll need to determine from the testing schedule that you had or compare yourself to someone who was a classmate that started at about the same time.

There are several things that might have remained the same, like the distance from your home to the old dojo. If the inconvenience was part of what stopped you, then that factor would still be there. Your old school might still give you added responsibilities that could continue to hamper you.

On the surface, the new dojo sounds like a fresh start. However, if the style is different, you'll find yourself comparing technique. You'll have to relearn movements and principles. Although styles do the same technique, sometimes they utilize different principles to make them work. It will seem like you have the burden of taking two classes instead of one. They might also heap responsibilities on you. As a dojo member, there is no way of getting out of that.

You also won't be treated the same way as when you started. With your old dojo, you have a history with them. With the new one, you'll start as a beginner, but also as an experienced aikidoist. But perhaps the most important thing is that you've changed over the years.

I've mentioned some things you can think about, but I can't tell you what dojo to choose. Only you can do that.

Chose wisely, then back-up that choice with determined training.

It is not practice that makes perfect, it is correct practice that makes perfect.
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