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Old 07-04-2010, 07:05 PM   #20
C. David Henderson
Location: Santa Fe New Mexico
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 606
Re: Aikido - Breaking the barrier

1. So we're like hot-house flowers? Can't deal with those different from ourselves?

2. Those who are different are bad, manipulative, and out to get us?

3. And, subtracting the miniscule proportion of people who practice aikido, the rest do bad things because they haven't noticed they're the overwhelming majority?

Sorry, I don't see things anything like this, and I don't think that's how things "really are."

If you can't relate to folks different than yourself, and you think they're out to get you, it seems to me aikido led you into delusion, not away from it.

Maybe I don't understand what you were trying to say?

David Henderson
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