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Old 08-25-2009, 02:25 PM   #24
Location: Miami, FL
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 453
Re: Aikido Changed My Life!!

Stefan Hultberg wrote: View Post

Yes, aikido has dramatically changed my life. I think aikido actually SAVED my life. When I started, some 5 years ago, I was seriously in a bad way due to chronic overwork & stress in a CEO-job. Aikido introduced a stress-free and stress-relieving space for me that I had never experienced before. While practicing aikido I found it impossible to keep thinking about all the other thing - the board, the staff, the customers, our next acquisition, shareholder relations, press issues etc. etc. etc. For two hours it all disappeared, and after the training I always felt great - for hours.

I've still got a long way to go, but without aikido I honestly believe my journey could have ended prematurely.

I am truly grateful!!

All the best

Stefan Hultberg
I was recently talking to a friend who has a blue collar job, yet a pretty nice, middle-class combined income with his wife. He enjoys his life, but sometimes he considers he could be doing something more, something that would suit his good intellect. I reminded him of how high-pressure many of those jobs are. Some CEOs make quite a salary even before payment in stock. I know he wasn't the norm, but Michael Eisner, former CEO of Disney, made over nine million in salary alone. I reassured my friend that some CEOs watch their company stock drop, feel totally guilty, and jump out of penthouse windows. Stefan, all my jobs have had pressure, but nothing like that of the standard CEO, I believe. I haven't tried many ways, but I will say that I know exactly what you're talking about with Aikido. It's sort of like some country music to me, in a way, as it reminds me of what's important. It let's me bask in the fundamentals instead of overlooking them. For example, staying calm, breathing, reacting appropriately to situations, decreased fears, and letting nature take its course unless there is really an important reason to intervene. I hope your spirits stay high, Stefan.

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