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Old 01-29-2014, 08:41 AM   #6
Brian Gillaspie
Brian Gillaspie's Avatar
Dojo: School of Martial and Meditative Arts
Location: Topeka, KS
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 77
Re: How can we get a dojo in town?

If you are willing to teach I would check into the community centers or a YMCA if you have one in Joplin. I held classes for a while at a YMCA here in Topeka, Kansas. The YMCA here just hired me as an employee and paid me an hourly rate so I never had to worry about rent or any kind of monthly fees.

Another option is to find a non-aikido dojo and see if they will let you start some classes. Speaking from experience you will find several of them may not be interested. I taught several years at a karate dojo and again I didn't have to worry about how I would pay rent every month.

Some may disagree with me but I would not be to concerned about your rank. I had to start teaching when I was 2nd kyu because my instructor moved out of the state and I was the most senior student and he turned the dojo over to me. I think the important thing to remember if you start teaching is to be humble and realize you are not an almighty and all knowing sensei. Don't be afraid to tell people you are still working on things or that you may need to check with more experienced instructors to get answers to certain questions. You may lose potential students if they see your belt is not black but you will find some who don't care and want to learn whatever you can teach them.

Robin - I can't speak for Randy but my dojo uses colored belts. We are an independent dojo but originally (before I started training) we were part of Seidokan so I think that is where our colored belts originated. To make it even more confusing we have two purple belt ranks, 4th kyu and 3rd kyu. I've never cared enough about the colors to ask why but I'm assuming somebody had their reasons for it at some time.
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