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Old 01-06-2009, 02:01 PM   #44
Demetrio Cereijo
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,248
Re: Got owned by boxer =-(

Chris Covington wrote: View Post
Hello all,

It's been a while, but there is a video somewhere on youtube (or there was) of a Russian aikidoka and a Russian Thai boxer sparring. The aikidoka was able to pull off a kotegaeshi from the boxer's jab.

They were very well matched, but the aikidoka certainly held his own. It wasn't prearranged and they were certainly going all out with each other. ...
Chris, is this the video you're talking about?

If so, then.... I don't see the match in the same light.


I fully agree that it is unreasonable to expect to be able to apply aikido techniques against a trained boxer.
Unreasonable until you have something more than 1 month of aikido. It's not about the techniques: they are very common japanese jujutsu/ western medieval wrestling/filipino wrestling techniques. They mostly work in a specific context (mostly what Chris Hein posted) for different situations aikido techniques need some adjustement or, like Leavitt said, follow the principles and technique will arise naturally.

I think what upset me--and drove me to post this topic--is the helplessness and defenselessness that I felt against his punches. Not just when he was using his skills.. even when he toned it down. I just had no defense! And a punch is not an uncommon attack. I tried the same thing on an athletic non-boxer, and i still could not defend against a simple straight punch.
Dont' be upset. Be happy. You learned a valuable lesson in a safe environment. Others learned the same lesson in the street. Others will never learn this lesson and will remain in the darkness.

This of course leads into the question of why one trains Aikido, boxing, any martial art, or any activity for that matter..
You are the only who can answer the question. Everybody has different motivations. Look inside yourself; the answer is there.
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