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Old 08-17-2003, 12:57 PM   #6
Dojo: Pärnu Aikidoclub Singitai
Location: Pärnu, Estonia
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 322
That has often come to my mind.

And I think yes we can do it.

And that weather it is Aikido or not is not really the question.

My sensei often shows us the possibilities that you get from one movement or another - for example after the irimi of ikkiyo omote goes into a sambo armlock or WingTsun style chainpunching or just kicks the uke to the belly or to the knee.

(Of course he mostly doesn't DO those things as it would be very painful to the uke but just shows possibilities or slaps a little)

He says that "it is not Aikido, but you may find it useful in some situations on the street"

And he always stresses that as there are almost endless variations what I might do within Aikido (I may finish the ikkyo, do a reverse kokyo, a koshi etc etc depending on situation) I may also choose to cross the borders of Aikido (if such things do exist)

BUT coming to the stopkick - which is originated from Wing Chun actually. To do a good stopkick your body weight must be at least 80% on the back foot. And that may greatly disturb your Aikido - that stance is very different from what most aikidoka do. So you may get confused. And aikido's opne concept of atemi usually excludes kicks because of all that (+the kicks are unworthy and legs are for standing for a true samurai thing)

Yet - why not stopkick, then irimi then do a (Aikido) technique. If your footwork is good and you maintain balance - why not?

But why not just irimi?

It all depends on you and the circumstances.
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