Thread: Harmony of Form
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Old 03-03-2012, 12:15 PM   #2
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Harmony of Form

Good morning to you.

I like the technique of getting people to look, so I like your pointing out of the subject of labels. Something I discussed with my son when he was a bit frustrated as a thirteen year old. It did the trick.

Now and again in Aikido I bring that up as something to recognise as from day one they get used to be saying,'no, now you do it.

In other words I equate labels with image and tell students they are not a label, not an identity and thus every time they use force or revert to some mechanism I tell them 'that's not you, that's some identity'

Thus I explain and get them to look at people in life and find which ones are being themselves and which ones are being an identity. For instance, I say, find the bus driver who is being himself being a bus driver rather than the one being a bus driver, an identity, like a robot. He's being the label.

Actually I would go further and say you can be yourself being something or you can become the identity, the label. To be or to become, that is the question.

'I am a shihan', he said with chest out, perfect attire, the best made quality Gi, the top of the range bokken, the certificates on the wall, the samurai stance, the air of supremacy. 'Oh pleased to meet you, I'm me.'

In Aikido thus I teach you are you, spirit who can observe and perceive and learn and do anything. Coonection is more than center to center, oh much more. It's you to the other, reching beyond the image to your fellow being. He who attacks has become and is thus not being their true self so it is of no consequence for it is not the false self I am dealing with, it is not the image or label I am actually reaching with Ki, it is the being.

I remember one student years ago listening to another who was relating how this fella in his local was very brash and even scary, most people were afraid of him and he wondered why he felt weak when he was around, not confident in his Aikido as this fella was very aggressive and seemed to be looking for a chance to prove something. The other student was smiling and told him it's all image, he's being led by the image. He went on to say how the poor fella has probably spent years developing that image so he must be a poor insecure being who needs a bit of confidence.

I remained silent and could only smile.

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