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Old 02-14-2010, 07:11 PM   #14
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 17

Ellis Amdur wrote: View Post
All I state is that the Boshin war was a context for both Sokichi and Sokaku. You are reading in too concrete terms to interpret what I say as "this is the key" to all that Sokaku became. Merely, this is the context which, very likely, explains how Sokaku grew to be the wandering comet of a man he became. In the best of times, he would have been a proud, prickly, aggressive guy.
PAG. Well, this is not how I read p. 78, with the reference to child soldiers and, p. 80, where you state:
"Some may think I am over-dramatizing a minor thing, an archaic discipline method that was "appropriate" to the time."
I do not state that it was a "minor thing", nor that the method was necessarily "appropriate" (at least, not without hearing Takeda Sokichi's version of the story), but, yes, I still think you are over-dramatizing.
Tokimune spends devotes much space to a detailed explanation of the Aizu war and the reason he gives is that Sokaku's childhood was "greatly affected" by "conditions in Japan at the time. So the war was certainly a context, but I think it was rather more than a back-drop.

Ellis Amdur wrote: View Post
The source of Sokaku's character - a parallel concern of equal if not more importance to me - is nature and nurture. I am NOT - in any way - attributing Takeda's skill to how his father treated him, to the Boshin war, etc., except, possibly that his early experiences may have given him the drive to excel. These two things run in parallel to me. The chapter was not an attempt to tease out internal training skills on the part of Takeda as a product of bad experiences. I tried to do three things: First, if possible, to trace a line towards the actual roots of Daito-ryu, the martial art. Second, to sketch out what I believe is a truer picture of Takeda's character, rather than the cartoon we usually have, where, as I stated above, "I see the central endeavor of his life as a path towards morality and attempts to connect with others and bequeath something to them." Three, some hint on how Takeda learned internal skills - this, the most minor of the three to me (having the least data to work with) is simply that his dad taught him, not Hoshina - and I would bet that were Sokaku the easiest kid in the world, had he the talent and the drive, his dad would have taught him too.
PAG. I do not disagree with the three aims of the chapter, but the subtitle of the book is "Tracing the Roots of Ueshiba Morihei's Power" (not Sokaku's) and, as a reviewer, I have to keep this point in mind.

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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