Thread: Cold Sensei
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Old 05-18-2013, 01:40 PM   #25
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Cold Sensei

Man/Woman. Feelings. Mmmmmm. One good thing here is it can give you the opportunity to practice non resistance.

But onto the scene I would say this. There is a very simple, in fact too simple, rule that those who follow it don't have the problem or similar to what you describe. It can even be recognized colloquially by all and it's simply this: "Don't cross the line" I'm not even going to explain it as you all know what it means.

Problems come when you want to, or when the other wants to, or here's the important bit, when you don't trust yourself not to. Too simple. It's discipline and ethics really. One who don't trust themselves may then have to keep a distance and that's the discipline they put in but it's better they just understand its an uncross-able line full stop.

Too simple. You cross it and you are in another world, a different kind of relationship whether you justify it as 'things just happened or one thing led to another etc.'

Now the scene above may or may not be of this type of thing but may just be a wife feeling husband's getting too close to another and so Husband deciding not to be so close and friendly.

Bottom line is you are actually just talking about yourself really. Be comfortable with yourself and be comfortable and respect his decision or change of closeness for it as you have said is not harmful or even detrimental to his teaching you. That's my advice. Only then will things become clear.

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