Thread: Bruised knees
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Old 05-06-2012, 03:58 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 716
Re: Bruised knees

I've had a similar issue when I knelt on the edge of a door frame at home. It stays really sensitive for a while, but eventually it heals. The issue is whether you are exacerbating it by going down on one knee at training. When I hurt my knee, I continued to train, and I even practiced knee walking and put up with the pain as much as I could, and it still healed. The only suggestion I can think of is to try and kneel down in a more controlled manner. When I go down on one knee for nikyo or whatever, my knee doesn't thunk on the ground. I lower myself down so that it is quite gentle on my knees. I know that sounds hard when someone is whacking nikyo on you, but start out slowly, tell your partner that you are having knee issues and practice lowering yourself down. Once you get the hang of it, you can speed up. It's hard to tell if this is what is happening without seeing you train, but hopefully I have been of some help.
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