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Old 08-11-2010, 09:06 PM   #121
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: What paths lead to internal power??

Marc Abrams wrote: View Post

I think you know me a little better than that. I was not referring to what you posted about. You should know me well enough to know that I agree with your post. To me, true budo is about creating and sustaining healthy relationships in your life. I was referring to the people who waste time taking pot shots from a distance, or who feign knowledge, of which they have little-to-none, and they ultimately contribute little to sincere conversations ( a sign of healthy relatedness) on these threads.

Kind of like my analogy. The cheap red wine mixes do not do much amongst the wine loving crowd. The fine meritage brings out connections and conversations that reflect the depth of beauty of the creation.

Marc Abrams
Hi Mark
Got it, though the expanded explanation helps to clarify, Hey, it was late and it sort of fit in with a discussion we just had after training; exactly about where these specific types of discussions.....then, like clockwork…Bam!
Hilarious, and once again predicted.
As you can see, from the flow of discussion some treat the idea of "friendship" in a discussion of budo, like a cancer. As if the very idea is impossible to talk about in training with internal power and aiki and it ends up with the idea of "making friends" as anathema to serious budo or the way certain people try to control a dialogue as if this isn't relavent to training. I guess if all you do is stand alone in a room or just have people push on you... it really isn't relavent.

I think you would agree with Tim's comments. He made a very intelligent point. I just got finished training and if I didn't trust the ones I was training with I would not have gone at it at the same speed and with the same risk factor, nor would they have trusted me either. You don't learn or teach others by just going at it …do you?

For the record (and as you know) sparring…actual sparring and using Ip/aiki, involves the same parameters as any other art, gradual, amped up, safety. One of guys had just go back from an MMA gym had his elbow cranked in drill sparring by someone he trusted who screwed him up now for months. So, as Tim pointed out when you actually get beyond solo training and reading some forum and get your ass out to actually use IP/aiki in sparring or showing others how…friends and trust takes on a very real meaning.

Most people who actually are good at budo, already know all of this, but for those who have spent too much time training alone and at a computer, it might help.
Anyway....I'll talk to you tomorrow instead of here.