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Old 08-09-2010, 05:55 PM   #104
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: What paths lead to internal power??

Budd Yuhasz wrote: View Post
I heard very good things about Andy that were unsolicited only because I try not to ask for secondhand info, you know (sometimes, I fail, but I'm human)? It's just something where I prefer to get my own hands-on corporate knowledge and that tends to serve me better in the long run. I'm always fine with admitting I don't know what I don't know.
Andy is very...very good, but there are others, a few good ones that come to mind: Pete, Mike, Glen, Richie, Todd, James, Chris, Eric, Danny,...and so on. My overall point of bringing this up was your mentioning the idea of the next generation in regards to IP/aiki I think it was a bit myopic of the aikiweb readership movement. I also really wonder who is teaching just IP and who is really teaching IP/ aiki, and who is teaching Ip/aiki in real combatives, but that's for another day.
I wanted to be clear...many of the new people here mostly teachers in their own right in other arts, have now felt people who trained with me for anywhere from seven to seventeen years. In my case this isn't a new movement. It's old news to me. In fact, many of the new group want to do some the older training methods used; paried jujutsu drills for IP/aiki building, and some other proprietary things we developed ourselves.

That's how it should be, I think - train 'em up so they can do their own thing - welcome 'em back to the fold when they can visit. Percentage-wise, do you find they stay within the traditional setting (or have brought the stuff from your group to a traditional art) or just kinda do their own thing wherever they can do it?
Well I think you are confusing them with the teachers training here now. I never taught them "traditional" anything, so they were not "going back to somebody else." They were my people. We always did MMA and they went out to other schools to test them (selves).

Is it because of the cumulative punishment you just get over time or are you still trying to get him to play with sticks??
No, we both have had our share of injuries over the years, broken bones, and what not, that's not it. He has four little girls and a military wife and in my opinion has nothing to prove. I see it as....We've both walked into various groups and done very what's the point? I keep telling him you can go to various places and keep refining under pressure without having to risk finances and also training time away from home from family for a couple of fights a year. Oh well.
Sticks?? Did you say sticks? He loves sticks..twin sticks that is. Speaking of which I have to wrap this up and go teach sticks.
That's because they probably drink beer like men should instead of those girlie mojitos and gimlets *ducks* Girlie? Well, I do have that tender touch!

Well, yeah and that just seems like a no-brainer when you want to be good (great, even). Fastest way to have a dojo full of skill-less wankers is to cultivate a flock of obsequious yes-persons. There's the traditional hardcore folks with tight reishiki, which is something else . . but I don't think that's what we're talking about - and the denigration of arts into parody starts from layering the BS on top of something absent in the content to begin with
(Dan, where's the quote you like to use . . I keep paraphrasing it).
"In lue of frequently find formality."

It's not a quote though, it's mine. I coined it...apparently after visiting the same places you did; groups that created this stifling, rigid and formal atmosphere; yet could never...on their best day....deliver.... on something that was a martially viable skill set; with weapons and without. Yet remained so convinced that they could!
I can't say why it is..but the more competent the people I meet are, the more down-to-earth, and relaxed, even funny they are about all this budo stuff.


Last edited by DH : 08-09-2010 at 06:03 PM.