Thread: Ranking
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Old 06-25-2001, 05:54 AM   #7
Dojo: ShinToKai DoJo of AiKiDo
Location: Brazil
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 355

[quote]Originally posted by jimbaker
[b] [quote]KAMI : And I saw the latest Hombu list of promotions(january 2001) and his name isn't listed there.[END QUOTE]
Perhaps it's in one of the later issues. I can't see Yamada Shihan announcing Harvey's promotion before approval from Hombu.[END QUOTE]

KAMI : I don't want to be picky, Jim, but from what I know there's only one annual list from the Aikikai and announcement of promotions have been done BEFORE Hombu's approval. No problem in there. In Brazil, for instance, Wagner Bull Sensei was promoted to 6th Dan by Yamada Sensei BEFORE its approval by Hombu. It will also, probably, be listed in next year Kagami Biraki List.

[quote][b]>Chiba Shihan initiated the "teaching rank" system here in the US, so I don't believe he'd now be using the term in the way Saotome Shihan uses it. But I don't know for sure. Let me ask some of our "Left" Coast friends.[END QUOTE]

KAMI : Oops! Initiated the "teaching rank" in USA? Not extending to Shihan. Shihan, up to this year, was an exclusive indication of Hombu itself and there were NO non-japanese Shihan. So Chiba Sensei couldn't have "initiated the teaching rank" (at least concerning Shihan). The only "teaching ranks" available for indication to non-japanese were Fukushidoin and Shidoin, but definitely NOT Shihan.

Anyway, congratulations to them all!
KAMI : One point I should make clear : I implicitly trust the Shihan's indication. So, if Yamada Sensei, Saotome Sensei or Chiba Sensei indicate someone for Shihan (either in the ancient meaning - "exemplar teacher" - or in the modern Aikikai meaning - "a teaching rank"), I believe they know what they are doing. And, of course, they are worthy of congratulations from us all.

Last edited by Kami : 06-25-2001 at 05:57 AM.

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