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Old 02-25-2005, 12:13 PM   #8
Yokaze's Avatar
Dojo: Five Dragons
Location: Sonoma State University
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 93
Re: Aikido for kids?

Don J. Modesto wrote:
Did you teacher have you do small joint manipulation?

As a teacher, that makes me nervous re: developing joints. I'd tend to do a lot of KOKYU NAGE rather than, e.g., NIKYO or SHIHO NAGE for that reason.
You are absolutely right here. At such a young age, I would think it would be a good idea to have the kids do a lot of kata (self-practice) with the bokken and jo, as well as focusing on extension and tai sabaki rather than joint manipulation.

The various kokyu nage are wonderful, as well as endless tenkan. Ikkyo and Irimi nage should be okay as well, so long
as they go slow and are careful. Heck, even Koshi nage and Kaiten nage should be acceptable for the advanced kids.

As well, childhood is the perfect time to develop correct ukemi, so that when the harsher joint-manipulating techs come later, they are capable of keeping injury-free.

Respectfully given...

"The only true victory is victory over oneself."

Rob Cunningham
3rd Kyu

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