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Old 01-30-2005, 09:22 PM   #19
stuartjvnorton's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido Shudokan
Location: Melbourne
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 225
Re: hiriki no yosei/elbow power #1

Michael Stuempel wrote:
What do you mean by *shite's elbow to uke's in a straight line". What forms this line? Is it a direction, or made by your forearm? I'm having trouble visualizing this in context.


Maybe "straight" is a bit hopeful on my part...
I'm thinking if they have a non-dishrag grip and you've kept a good connection throughout the movement, then the nearly straight line between your "top" elbow (right elbow in migi hanmi kamae) and theirs (also their right) from the start position should be more or less preserved as you go under their line.
Largely depends on uke keeping a good grip and not just taking the angle change by letting their wrists loosen, though.

Hope this makes sense to anyone else but me: one of my current projects. ;-)
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