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Old 01-30-2005, 08:57 PM   #18
Dojo: Roppongi Yoshinkan Aikido / Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 571
Re: hiriki no yosei/elbow power #1

Stuart...I think you're right in going under them using the wrist as a pivot and it really shouldn't change because there is an addiational person added. I just think its harder and you have to be more stable if you've got two people messing with your balance.

What do you mean by *shite's elbow to uke's in a straight line". What forms this line? Is it a direction, or made by your forearm? I'm having trouble visualizing this in context.



Hiriki no yosei 3 - The kihon that makes your head ache instead of your legs
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