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Old 01-20-2005, 10:29 AM   #8
Tadhg Bird
Tadhg Bird's Avatar
Dojo: New School Aikido, Stockton, CA
Location: Casper, WY
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 55
Re: Four Directions Dojo Dedication

Jørgen Jakob Friis wrote:
Quite impressive. I guess the good thing is, that you'll easily get that great 'seminar-feeling' since the mat will be really crowded at each lesson

I think your dojo should be an inspiration to us all. Think big - start small is a beautiful concept. I myself will however be relunctant to follow your lead since I only have carport instead of a garage

One thing though.. where do you park your car ?
1) Seminar Feeling: Indeed! There is just enough room for two students to work out. with me instructing. They had to learn from the outset the importance of knowing where you are going to roll, and where you are throwing your partner! My two first Deshi are quite tall though, I can probably fit a third on the mat if he or she is very short.

2) I do have big dreams, but am content to continue to train "right where I stand".

3) I park my car outside. When we first moved in, we moved all the furniture in the house, and all the boxes in the garage. This allowed us to set up house quickly, but the garage was full of boxes all spread out on the floor. When I cleaned it up in the late summer, so I could park in there when it snowed ( similar to the picture here: ) I went to park the car, only to find that either our garage was too short, or the car was too long. So its not really that much of a loss as far as parking goes.

"Words and letters can never adequately describe Aikido -- its meaning is revealed only to those who are enlightened through hard training." -- Ueshiba Morihei O Sensei
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