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Old 05-24-2001, 10:15 AM   #6
Dojo: Sand Drift Aikikai, Cocoa Florida
Location: Melbourne, Florida
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 823
Originally posted by Chuck Clark
Don't forget, folks, there's practice... and then there's PRACTICE.

Not only do you have to factor in the student's natural talents and previous experience, but also the teacher, the peer group they train with, and the total amount of quality time during each of those years.
That is why I want to hear from these people. I want to hear from them to see what they did and what exactly what their experience was. I mean did the go to every feasible class possible and train their butts off. (several hours a day 6 days a week). Or was it just regular practice a few times a week (four times week). I would like to know what their schools approach is and view is of shodan and what it means to them. I would also like to know their martial arts background and other athletic background.

I am assuming the same thing you guys are but can at least one of those 40 people answer my question? I'm just curious. I'm not looking to flame any one or start a war over testing requirements.

It is just I have been training for almost two years (three days a week on average -- I do more when law school permits; I prefer to do 4-5 days a week) and I am just now getting ready for my 4th kyu test. I look at some of the shodans in my school and I just can't possibly acquire the skill and knowledge they have in less than three years. I also look at those in my dojo who have previous martial arts training (12 years karate). They went through the kyu ranks quickly but once they reached 1st kyu they waited until they were ready to become shodan in aikido. This person took 6-7 years to get to shodan and is now nidan after about 8-9 years.

I am just asking this question to understand where they are coming from before we get into a discussion on the value of being promoted so quickly.

Anne Marie
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