Thread: Nice Jiyu waza
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:18 PM   #24
Rocky Izumi
Dojo: GUST Aikido Club
Location: Salwa, Kuwait
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 381
Re: Nice Jiyu waza

Oh yeah, well I am the Rock on the rock in this rocking chair. Now, where did I put my cane? Damned these bifocals!

There are more differences between teachers within a single style than there are differences between different styles, or even different arts. There are more differences in teaching style within a single style than there are differences in teaching style between different styles, or even different arts.

Repent all ye Aiki-heretics! Fifty more suwari-waza imiri tenkan in your bare knees on that newly varnished hardwood floor! A hundred more kotegaeshi tobi-ukemi on yourself on to the concrete.

Okay, I'm not that penitent. You can skip the newly varnished hardwood floor and the concrete. Those were a bit of an exaggeration.

The Aging Aiki-Penitent
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