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Old 05-04-2001, 03:33 PM   #4
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
Location: North Carolina
Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 13
Thanks for the Stretching FAQ link, folks. Actually I downloaded and read that a month or two back when it surfaced on aikiweb. I think it's got a lot of really good info, but aside from the stretches geared to help one do splits, I didn't find a lot of actual "stretches" - you know, such as specific instructions to stretch each region of the body.

I think that FAQ also says something like, if you stretch regularly and diligently, you will reach your maximum level of flexibility in about 2 months. That struck me as questionable. I've been stretching pretty diligently now for that long, and I sure would like to be more flexible that I am.

Does anybody out there think that they have become gradually more flexible over a period of YEARS rather than MONTHS?

And anyone else who has insights on stretching, I would very much appreciate hearing your thoughts.

Mike Carlin
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