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Old 11-28-2004, 11:06 AM   #13
tedehara's Avatar
Dojo: Evanston Ki-Aikido
Location: Evanston IL
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 826
Re: Whats the deal with Ki?

Kevin Temple wrote:
I have trained (not for very long mind you) in a dojo that doesn't place any specific emphasis on Ki training (I assume that it involves meditation and some form of spiritual awareness training) and I am just wondering what effect it has on aikido. It seems to me that the morality is integrated in every aspect of aikido. The basis for the art (as it seems to me) is finding the least harmful responses to violent situations and gaining a newfound understanding of yourself/others. Excuse me if i sound ignorant but why the emphasis on purely spiritual? I find that Aikido is like some sort of moving meditation, A Ki Dance, if you will. Thats just my outlook on things forgive me if i offend anyone
Perhaps you should visit a dojo that emphasizes ki training and find out for yourself. Some people are able to immediately pick-up on the connection of ki development and aikido training. Others never see any connection.

Books are good guides, but they are just guides. It is up to you to actualize their concepts in your life.

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