Thread: The poll!!!!!!!
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Old 04-24-2001, 08:02 AM   #15
Dojo: Lunds Aikidoklubb
Location: Lund, Sweden
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 273

I agree with most of you all in that good ukemi is essential in aikido training, but again my understanding of the poll was if there is a clear link between being able to take good ukemi (to be good at all the above stated things, e.g being able to not hurt yourself no matter who's the nage) and being a good nage (skilled, precise, sharp, loving, hard, soft etc. etc.) As I see it that isn't necessarily the case. As I stated before, I've met people with great ukemi but with no nage skill at all and maybe more important I've seen or trained with people that are fantastic nage, with technical skills that I dream of being able to reach some day, but can't take a descent fall.

Jakob Blomquist
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