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Old 10-29-2004, 01:04 AM   #1
Anders Bjonback
Dojo: Boulder Aikikai
Location: Boulder, CO
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 129
The changing nature of devotion

I was wondering if other people go through phases in training where you just don't train much, and then get back to training more intensively later. I've been doing aikido for about two years now, and I used to practice twelve to eighteen hours a week, but now I do it one to two hours, if that. It seems like I'm just more interested in and devoted to different things right now, putting my energy into school work, tea ceremony and my meditation practice rather than aikido. I definetly don't think that I want to quit aikido, and I'm sure I'll get passionate about it again later on. I was wondering if people ever found that these kinds of periods help them keep training in the long run.

"For peace and happiness are presences, not objects we can grasp and hold onto."
--Lilian Smith
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