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Old 04-19-2001, 10:51 PM   #24
tedehara's Avatar
Dojo: Evanston Ki-Aikido
Location: Evanston IL
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 826
Question Aikido Survivor

People talk about the intensive training other martial arts have. Usually, with the exception of the instructor, most practioners are fairly young (i.e. under 35 years old). What happened to the older students? Like a professional athlete, by 35 years old, their martial arts career is ending. Age and injuries catch up with them.

We're all different. The limits for all of us are different. I would say that it's up to the person to decide what those limits are. It's not up to me to decide what the limits are for others.

Hard training has been used in the traditonal arts. It was also used in the Japanese Imperial Army. Did they win WWII? Nope.

...suwariwaza practice on the dojo's hardwood floor would continue endlessly...
In the last films of O Sensei from AikiNews, you can see him being helped down steps by his students. That's because he had bad knees and had trouble getting up and down steps. That was the result of a lifetime of hard training in suwariwaza.

We can learn from other's mistakes as well as their sucesses.

Last edited by tedehara : 04-19-2001 at 11:00 PM.

It is not practice that makes perfect, it is correct practice that makes perfect.
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