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Old 09-28-2004, 04:53 PM   #13
Yokaze's Avatar
Dojo: Five Dragons
Location: Sonoma State University
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 93
Re: Mind dumbness vs activity in randori

It's great that you're beginning to see theoretically how you can become better. I think, at the beginning, though, you were looking for something more practical.

I really like very much the idea of practicing Jiyu Waza (holding only) with the eyes closed, as it will begin to open your inner eyes and heighten your awareness of ki that is all around us.

In randori, I'm always thinking "okay, what move should I do next?" Bad idea, because I'm thinking about myself instead of the attackers.

So here's the important part:

I think that, when beginning Randori, you should choose a technique. One. Do it over and over and over again. That way, you don't have to think about which technique you're going to do. As your awareness increases, you'll be able to begin to see where certain throws are more useful, not with your mind, but with your body and spirit.

That's the theory anyway. I'm just making this stuff up, really.

So I do a round of Randori with nothing but Shihonage. Then one with Iriminage, etc, until I know that I could counter with that throw every time. I still haven't mastered the spontaneity, but that's why I'm still a kyu.

Last edited by Yokaze : 09-28-2004 at 04:55 PM.
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