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Old 09-28-2004, 10:34 AM   #6
Dojo: Seattle Ki Society
Location: Seattle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 522
Re: Mind dumbness vs activity in randori

I recently got to participate in a grabs-only jiyu-waza with nage's eyes closed, and I thought it was an awesome exercise for reacting to uke's actual energy rather than anticipating. When you can't see uke, you have to be able to feel them. (I had one embarrassing moment with both of my wrists held. I kept moving, shifting my weight, it seemed as though it should be working but I was stuck completely. Then it dawned on me that I thought uke was holding my wrists from behind, but he wasn't--he was in front of me. No wonder nothing worked.)

Even the people much senior to myself, who were gorgeous to behold while doing this, said that it really disrupted any attempt to "do technique" and forced them to concentrate on doing something with the specific energy uke was handing them.

It was also about as much fun as I've ever had on the mat--a really surreal experience. I'd highly recommend it.

We experimented a bit with multiple attackers, but it seemed that that would take more practice. It did lead to a funny moment when I grabbed both of nage's wrists. Nage said triumphantly "A-ha, two people!" and went to throw "us" in opposite directions, so I was squealing "No! Wait! It's just me!"

Mary Kaye
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