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Old 09-17-2004, 09:18 AM   #11
Matt Molloy
Dojo: Azami Kai
Location: Edinburgh
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 134
Re: Training outside the dojo ?

I wouldn't say for a moment that informal training can't turn out some formidable fighters. Just because they are formidable fighters, are they martial artists? Hmmm. I would find this difficult.

Personally, I define an artist as someone who takes a skill to its ultimate level. Any skill, from painting to tea making to (for this board) fighting. By this argument I would say that most of us are not yet martial artists but are fighters striving to become martial artists, indeed the true martial artist wouldn't need to fight at all. (D*mn that sounds familiar.)

I would agree with Ian that it is possible to become a martial artist-and a formidable one-via the informal road and that it is harder but I would add that there is a greater chance of self delusion (witness the amount of McDojos that have been started by those who have apparently tested their "art" on the street) and of getting stuck in a rut. (A good teacher regularly pushes you out of your comfort zone.)

I think that I'd have to agree with Ian with the caveat that just because informal training can turn out a good martial artist it doesn't necessarily mean that one can be that person. That person would IMHO be truely exceptional.

I hope that this makes sense.


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