Thread: Female uke
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Old 09-13-2004, 02:38 AM   #64
Richard Chapman
Dojo: Gatwick Budokai Ryu, Crawley
Location: Crawley, West Sussex
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 8
Re: Female uke

Jo Adell. The situation that I was describing in a thread above is only relevant to this one lady. The technique that I was doing was Ikkyo (Irimi). The diffidult part was trying to drive the elbow up and over to take her balance and then to complete the technique to the ground. Usually when you start Ikkyo you can see that the elbow bends slightly, which is where you can initiate the beginnings of the Ikkyo technique. What I was facing was a completely straight arm resulting in a messy Ikkyo as I could not drive her elbow up and over. In the end I got the technique right, but only by not be gentle with her, but not being rough, as she is only a beginner.
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