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Old 09-02-2004, 02:49 AM   #1
"Anonymous User"
IP Hash: 522f2eca
Anonymous User
Unhappy Giving up aikido

I know my partner will be expecting me to give up aikido soon due to 'complications' at the dojo.
(I can also understand why he is expecting me to make this sacrifice) He says we will find some thing to learn together, but I feel I have only just found aikido & know I will regret giving it up. I am worried that having regrets will just cause problems later on.

As soon as I practiced on the mat I knew it was the martial art & dojo for me. I expected aikido to be a part of me & my life for a long time to come, & guess I am having difficulties coming to terms with just giving it up.
I have considered looking for another dojo, but know my dojo is the best I will find.

Has any one else been in this situation?
Or any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
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