Thread: Strange feeling
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Old 08-22-2004, 12:12 PM   #11
Dojo: Aikido Praxis Club (RS)
Location: Brazil
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 18
Re: Strange feeling


I just can say thanks to all you...
I got some kind of flu this weekend and didn't show up at the Friday training. I am not good yet, so I don't know if I will be there this Monday too.

Keep training, do not compare, and wait for the future.
This waiting that kills me p

The funny thing... To the people who doesn't practice, I'm good.
So I go to the dojo and see that there is a long way!

Maybe it is just a feeling that will go away when my classes get started (tomorrow)... This is, actually, my hope.

Another question: should I share this on my dojo? With my sensei and sempai(s)? Or even the kohai(s), searching how they feel about training?
I'm afraid about the answers I can get doing this...

"Paciência quer dizer conter-se. Existem sete emoções, neh? Alegria, ira, ansiedade, adoração, pesar, medo e ódio. Se um homem não cede a elas, é paciente."
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