Thread: Wearing Hakama
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Old 08-11-2004, 02:07 PM   #30
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
Location: Phila. Pa
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 4,615
Re: Wearing Hakama

While yoshinkan students often get a hakama at shodan, its usually not worn that much for training until sandan. At most seminars, its the instructor and his/her assistants who wear hakama...most just wear dogi and obi. I believe the shodokan (Tomiki) associations are pretty much the same.

Since I've spent sometime at seminars and a few classes in the aikikai, I've gotten somewhat used to training in the hakama, but it still seems to me I can work a little more freely without it. Different strokes and all that...


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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