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Old 08-10-2004, 02:21 AM   #33
Dojo: Ren Shin Kan
Location: Birmingham
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 362
United Kingdom
Re: Learning How to Learn Aikido

Lyle Laizure wrote:
Teaching someone how to learn? That is an interesting way of looking at it. Everyone learns, generally speaking, in the same manner. The difference between one or another is they way they receive the message. Sometimes when one is teaching it has to be explained from several angles so that everyone within the dojo can be touched.

Actually this isnt true. As both an Aikido and professional teacher (college lecturer) I know that people will learn in different ways.

The three basics learning styles are:

auditory by listening
visual by seeing
kinesthetic by doing.

Most sports people (including Aikidoka) learn kinesthetically with elements of the other styles being thrown in. The problem is that traditionally Aikido is taught purely by demonstration.
I believe that as teachers it is our duty to enable students to acquire skill and devewlop rather than just "showing & telling" as I see so many Aikido teachers (and a lot of Shihan) do.

My advice look at other sports coaches, do a basic teaching/coaching qualification and try to think out of the AIkido box.
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