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Old 07-29-2004, 07:35 AM   #14
dan guthrie
Dojo: Aikido of SLO
Location: Morro Bay
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 139
Re: Supernatural techniques...

I heard an NPR story some years ago about an experiment concerning the power of prayer. I can't remember who conducted the experiment.
Patients at a hospital were prayed for by members of a local church. Some of them were told they were being prayed for and some were not told. The people receiving the prayers recovered, on average, faster than those not prayed for. Even the people who were ignorant of the experiment got better faster.
One of the doctors who took part in the experiment admitted on tape to being a) amazed and b) an atheist. I don't remember if some of the doctors were kept in the dark but I imagine they were.
If anyone else has heard this story could you post a link?
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