Thread: Female uke
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Old 07-27-2004, 11:41 AM   #1
Dojo: Aikido of Silicon Valley
Location: Fremont, CA
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 248
Female uke

Hi guys,

I'm pretty new in aikido and today was my first time having female uke. That was pretty difficult. I don't have any emotional problem of training with female, but I found out that I was very tense performing technique with her. Even when I try to abstract and think of my uke as a partner regardless of the sex, at the moment of contact I was instinctively trying not to hurt her that was causing me to make mistakes and prevented me from relaxing, learning and having fun.
My question is: is that feeling temporary and how can I overcome it?


P.S. She is a nice person, but I don't have any strong feelings. I'm pretty sure that would happen with any female unless she is very strong and I'm sure I can't hurt her.
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