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Old 03-23-2001, 05:08 PM   #17
Mark Cochran
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 19
At the begining of all these responses to the question of harsh training one of us made a statement about training methods used by the shoalin and perhaps most hard forms of chinese wu shu. The training wasn't brutal for the sake of brutality but for conditioning. Fighting is inherently brutal and many martial arts were used primarely for close range combat. Many styles have used very hard training regiams to prepare their students to handle and survive the lethality of combat. As to whether we as students of Aikido should follow tradition and incorparte brutal training regimes into our dojos is the next question. Thankfully we live in a society that is not constantly on the verge of civil conflict like our feudal predecessors. However if we choose to incorporate some rigorous activities into our personal training regime it can only serve to better prepare us for the less than likly event that we sould face some form violent event in our life.

The meek shall inherit the earth. It is our duty to seek out and protect them.
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