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Old 07-11-2004, 07:35 PM   #57
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Dojo: Shodokan Honbu (Osaka)
Location: Himeji, Japan
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 3,319
Re: Tales of Judo Sparring Aikidoists

I was really hoping this thread wouldn't degenerate into Judo versus Aikido. The general feeling I get is that those who do make the journey find that they are not totally obliterated (probably because Judoka tend to be pretty nice) the first time and with a bit of practice they do all right. My experience is that the Aikido training had me more prepared than if I was a total novice to Budo and I had strengths in surprising places. My newaza is far better than tachi for example.

Frankly speaking the opinion of Aikidoists that haven't crossed over is really not germane. Sparring with a Judoka on your own ground is only slightly more interesting. I'm talking about entering the lion's den.

Peter Rehse Shodokan Aikido
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