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Old 05-20-2004, 09:27 AM   #22
Dojo: Sand Drift Aikikai, Cocoa Florida
Location: Melbourne, Florida
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 823
Re: Ask not, what your dojo can do for you..

I take the view that the dojo is more than just a place, especially when my sensei would rather see me on the mat than not come at all because of financial reasons. Someone who is that generous of spirit is the kind of person I want to return that generosity. Of course no one at out dojo says you must help sweep or clean the mats, but most people do and most will help out with the planning for the annual Winter Camp that we host each year. Most in our dojo choose to help out in some way, but no one is required to do more than pay their dues. So if your of the feeling that you pay your dues, train and leave then you can.

I just want to add that the things I like to give back to my dojo is helping out and coaching the beginners, help with the children's class if I can, have a welcoming spirit to new people or just those coming in to watch, teach if on one else is there to teach, help with seminars, and taking care of the mats.

Last edited by giriasis : 05-20-2004 at 09:32 AM. Reason: added last paragraph

Anne Marie Giri
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