Thread: Concrete Ukemi
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Old 05-17-2004, 11:11 AM   #16
Dojo: Kyushinkan
Location: Roswell,GA
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 123
Re: Concrete Ukemi

Yes, "unless forced to do so" is the point. An incident of an aikidoka who lost control of his motorcycle and flipped over the handlebars shows partially that his lack of more severe injury could be attributed to his rolling training. His bruises were mostly in the following places; pinky edge of hand, elbow, back of shoulder, lower hip region of his other side and heel. Sounds like the forward roll may have helped save his life and prevent further injury. As for being macho and breakfalling on pavement, yes a waste of time, but nice to know you could if "forced to do so". thank you.
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