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Old 04-20-2004, 11:03 PM   #11
Marty's Avatar
Dojo: Southside dojo
Location: Kalamazoo Mi, USA
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 30
Re: How long until the "magic" starts happening?

Hi, I like the thread!
First I would like to say that to me the real magic happens when you walk in the door . We have all seen how many people magically disappear over the years . I have only been training for about 4 years and I can say that some times I do have the magic. really what I found was the trigger was is confidence and a deeper belief that aikido works. a few of us have talked about it and really the biggest difference between many of the people who have been training for some time is belief that aikido works and that they can do it, those who do think that have much better Aikido in my opinion. I started to teach and well it was one of those things eather do it or don't, and I made a decision that my aikido would work. still does not all the time (to say the least) but it is much better then it was.

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