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Old 03-08-2004, 11:16 PM   #22
Jessie Brown
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 31
I didn't start until spring of my first year of college. I decided to try a martial art because --don't laugh-- I've always been into Bruce Lee and karate movies.

Being excessively organized and anal, I researched every single martial art offered at my university, around 15 of them. I read some excerpts of O'Sensei that really struck a chord. With my philosophical bent, Aikido's prinicples sounded the most moral and harmonious . That and I felt that such a study cannot be taken lightly... but is a life's path .

I went to my first class and felt that joy that others have described. I agree with Jo Adell. To a certain extent, it is a calling...or at least an affinity. I also like the way Wendy Rowe put it,
It's an amazing feeling to pour your entire self into one flowing movement with all your energy focused on it: euphoria.
You can always spot the ones who will stay. They're the ones who get thrown to the ground, across the room, and come up with a giddy smirk of their faces-- eager for the next time.
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