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Old 03-08-2004, 09:55 PM   #18
p00kiethebear's Avatar
Dojo: Tonbo Dojo
Location: Bainbridge Island WA
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 374
Oh wow, let's see

The first martial arti did was battojutsu (more formal kenjutsu). And I took that up because I wanted a martial art, but wanted something different. I hated looking at the commercialism of karate, kung fu and judo, so i wanted this to be more traditional (which it was)

I noticed that before sword clas, there was aikido class, it looked like "pansie" stuff to me. Just faked.

I never told sensei this but one day during sword, he threw me nearly 10 feet as he took my sword away, and he said something about "that's a bit more aikido style"

from there i was hooked. I saw it as this amazing art that could toss people around like rag dolls without hurting them! (i was never a big fan of hurting people)

Then as i read more into O sensei's life, i started looking at his dream of "creating heaven on earth" through aikido. world peace hase always been something i've believed in. But now world peace with a martial art! Amazing! And it all made sense to me. So now, my purpose for doing it, is to teach it, and pass it on to more people. Always with the hope that i can make the world a little bit closer to o senseis dream. So I guess now, i do aikido because... I just believe in it, more than anything.

"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity"
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