Thread: Faking it
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Old 03-04-2004, 06:44 PM   #12
Dojo: Aikido of Norfolk
Location: Norfolk, VA
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 71
Ian Williams wrote:
would an attacker who is taken completely by suprise in a street situation react differently from an inexperienced dojo uke (who is expecting, yet may be fearful of being thrown), or even the western reporter in the situation described above.
I guess it all depends on the technique you use. I've never used an aikido throw on anyone outside of the dojo, but I have used both sankyo and nikyo. I'll tell you one what.... Do those techniques right on any person, big or small, on or off the mat, they're not faking.

Some of the throws would look similar to someone who did not know how to fall. But not identical. The big difference is that on the mat once the person realizes they are about to fall they lose focus on the attack and focus on not getting hurt. Whereas i imagine on the street an attacker is going to grab you as they fall.

This is a good reason for nages to get out of the habit of bending their backs to far. When an uke falls, they should be able to grab the nage and not pull them down.

Steve Nelson
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