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Old 01-09-2004, 05:09 PM   #33
Rich Stephens
Location: California
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 28
paul watt (paw) wrote:

Better for what?


Well, like I've said, I find Aikido great for me on many levels and I'm not going to suddenly take up something else instead. But I was asking purely about the ease or effectiveness of technique in regard to its use as actual defense (and not as simply a means to personal development).

In that regard, I see no reason why there shouldn't be some arts that are more suited to different body heights and weights. Some martial arts may have techniques that are more difficult to do if one's likely opponent is 6" shorter than they are, or 6" taller for that matter. So I was wondering whether the techniques of Aikido or Judo would be a better fit for taller people or people with high centers of gravity.

I realize any size can do any martial art (just as anyone can play basketball) but that one might be easier than another depending on one's body size.


Last edited by Rich Stephens : 01-09-2004 at 05:22 PM.
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