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Old 01-09-2004, 09:20 AM   #1
Location: Maidenhead
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 167
United Kingdom
All the trappings

How important to you are all the 'trappings' that come with aikido. By that I mean the traditions, culture, language, and so on that are usually seen in an aikido dojo?

Would you enjoy aikido as much without these, for instance training in an office canteen or pub backroom, in t-shirts and shorts, with no kamiza, no bowing, no sense of tradition.

For me, I enjoy the whole experience. Putting on the gear, putting out the canvas that has years of blood, sweat and tears dried in. Formally greeting my friends, who, 10 minutes earlier, I was sharing a ride with. It's all part of the whole.

It's like eating a fine meal - it's just more fun in a great restaurant than in the back of a car. Same food, different experience.

Does this make me an aikido snob? Does anyone feel the same?

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