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Old 01-06-2004, 09:01 AM   #48
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 495
I believe I understand you Goetz. Thanks.

As for "Ki being extended" it is more like yogis may say "being in the moment". Fully being aware of my partner and my surroundings and allowing my "vibe" (hippy slang!) to get out there.

You make an interesting point about the eyes. In boxing, we usually are taught to look at the shoulders for clues. But I learned in Washin ryu karate to look into the eyes. "The eyes are the mirror to the soul".

I found that it allows me to intercept my opponents intentions and rely more on timing than speed. It also has a tendency to intimidate. Opponents sometimes have a hard time keeping eye contact and look away which means 1) they are unfocused and 2)philosophically they are trying to "hide".

I've noticed that most Ki aikido people initially engage uke with eyes then as the technique develops, draw the eyes to where the technique should end up. Thus the "sucking in" concept.

So I believe the eyes are very important. And on our "universal love" question, they probably have the ability to convey that or any other emotion.
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