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Old 01-05-2004, 07:02 AM   #31
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 768
aikido practice is cooperative when trained so. Not every dojo trains that way.
I said, I personally have not experienced regular dynamic training in aikido, but I was aware that Shodokan people train that way. From other posts you have made, I suspect you understood quite well what I originally wrote.
I don't agree that taking ukemi isn't a good way to measure ability. If you found someone good enough, taking ukemi from him/her can either be a life and death pursuit, or like being teleported to the ground. I say this from experience.
For Pete's sake.... Once again, I didn't say "taking ukemi" isn't a good way to measure ability...I said uncooperative training is "better" than cooperative training for measuring martial ability.

Have you ever seen a baseball game? A machine is used to throw a baseball for the player to hit. Is this an indication of batting ability? Of course. If the player can hit the ball we know they possess some skill. (This, you will note, is cooperative practice)

But a living, breathing pitcher is a better test. Unlike the machine a person can vary the speed of the ball, the direction of the ball, the timing between throws, the location of the ball and the manner in which the ball is thrown (the "windup" --- which varies from person to person). This is a better test of batting ability, and you will note, is also uncooperative practice.
Next chance you find a shihan, you can try to test your theories by attacking him without any 'cooperation'. For real.
Try not making assumptions about what I've done and not done and try staying on topic.

I have trained with shihan, including Steven Seagal. I've "taken ukemi" from Shihan. I said, that I've not trained with O Sensei or with anyone who trained directly with O Sensei in a dynamic (uncooperative) manner and therefore cannot say from personal experience if O Sensei was "good". (Please read that again, it keeps getting missed)

If you're going to be cute and try in get in a good verbal barb, it helps to choose someone who: a) I haven't trained with and b) actually trained with O Sensei --- since this discussion is about how good O Sensei was, how good people are now and if "universal love" plays a part in any differences.


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