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Old 12-29-2003, 09:31 PM   #11
Dojo: san diego aikikai
Location: San Diego
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 24
I have trained at san diego aikikai for 8 years now and yes it can be hard at times but that's how we like it, realistic IMHO.

Roy, I'm sorry you feel what you saw was wrong. We only give what our partner can take (and wants most of the time) and never "try" to hurt anybody. I myself like most of our students want to train hard, for me, the harder the better but within reason on our bodies. We have this flow where we train very hard but still with love of our partner.

Every person trains at their own speed, sometimes I move very slow and smooth and other times I move very fast and hard, it all depends on who I'm training with.

I have studied other arts including BJJ and found it boring next to our training, not to diss other styles, please don't take it that way. But what I wanted out of MA I found at our Dojo.

San Diego Aikikai
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