Thread: Cross Training
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Old 12-26-2003, 12:44 AM   #60
Usagi Yojimbo
Dojo: Shinkikan Aikikai Aikido of Corpus Christi
Location: Texas
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 27
I can't read all of that considering it's 1:40 at the time, but credit to you people for making your posts long enough to loose the interest of a half-asleep teenager... now, my question is, how does one blend drunken boxing and Aikido? If you could throw Sumo in there somewhere, that's my life's goal! [/sarcasm] But seriously, the elusive Drunken Boxing is my favourite style, and one I never loose interest in. I've managed to ... jokingly complete a drinken irimi nage or two before, but I would seriously require some better information on Drunken Boxing before any such blending could continue... well, a better resource than Jackie Chan movies and Virtua Fighter 4 I mean. Any sugestions? And yes I am dead tired and not thinking straight, thank you for noticing...

My head hurts...
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